Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schäffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Dr_sW_021_A19 (337 letters) Database: Non-redundant SwissProt sequences 184,735 sequences; 68,354,980 total letters Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value sp|O88281|EGFL3_RAT Multiple EGF-like-domain protein 3 prec... 33 0.21 sp|Q62563|SRY_MUSSP Sex-determining region Y protein (Testi... 31 0.78 sp|Q05738|SRY_MOUSE Sex-determining region Y protein (Testi... 31 1.0 sp|O35806|LTBP2_RAT Latent transforming growth factor-beta-... 30 1.3 sp|O08999|LTBP2_MOUSE Latent transforming growth factor-bet... 30 1.3 sp|P04929|HRPX_PLALO Histidine-rich glycoprotein precursor 30 1.3 sp|P0C061|GRSA_ANEMI Gramicidin S synthetase 1 (Gramicidin ... 30 1.7 sp|P0C062|GRSA_BREBE Gramicidin S synthetase 1 (Gramicidin ... 30 1.7 sp|Q9XUC4|YGJK_CAEEL Hypothetical protein T28F3.3 in chromo... 30 2.3 sp|Q8CRC8|RPIA_STAES Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A (Phosph... 29 3.0
>sp|O88281|EGFL3_RAT Multiple EGF-like-domain protein 3 precursor (Multiple epidermal growth factor-like domains 6) Length = 1574 Score = 33.1 bits (74), Expect = 0.21 Identities = 12/26 (46%), Positives = 14/26 (53%) Frame = +1 Query: 91 PGVTAGHCDDGCHDTKAKPHCDDGCH 168 PGV+ HC+DGC HC CH Sbjct: 591 PGVSGAHCEDGCPKGFYGKHCRKKCH 616
>sp|Q62563|SRY_MUSSP Sex-determining region Y protein (Testis-determining factor) Length = 355 Score = 31.2 bits (69), Expect = 0.78 Identities = 14/53 (26%), Positives = 22/53 (41%), Gaps = 2/53 (3%) Frame = -1 Query: 175 QEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVF--QHDDVPFYHDH 23 Q+ H H + + D+HH+ QQ + +H F H +HDH Sbjct: 196 QKQQFHDHQQQQQQFHDHHHQQQQQQFHDHHHHQQQQQQFHDHHQQKQQFHDH 248
Score = 29.6 bits (65), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 17/54 (31%), Positives = 24/54 (44%), Gaps = 3/54 (5%) Frame = -1 Query: 175 QEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQH---DDVPFYHDH 23 Q HD HHH + + D+HH QQ + +D+H H +HDH Sbjct: 209 QFHD-HHHQQQQQQFHDHHHHQ-QQQQQFHDHHQQKQQFHDHHQQQQQQQFHDH 260
>sp|Q05738|SRY_MOUSE Sex-determining region Y protein (Testis-determining factor) Length = 395 Score = 30.8 bits (68), Expect = 1.0 Identities = 16/66 (24%), Positives = 25/66 (37%) Frame = -1 Query: 220 KQINDSHLCNDLTSHQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDV 41 +Q D H Q+ H H++ + D HH+ QQ + +H H Sbjct: 163 QQFYDHHQQQQQQQQQQQQFHDHHQQKQQFHD-HHQQQQQFHDHHHHHQEQQFHDHHQQQ 221 Query: 40 PFYHDH 23 +HDH Sbjct: 222 QQFHDH 227
Score = 29.6 bits (65), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 17/70 (24%), Positives = 28/70 (40%), Gaps = 4/70 (5%) Frame = -1 Query: 220 KQINDSHLCNDLTSHQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVF----Q 53 +Q +D H HQE H H++ + D+ + QQ + + +H F Sbjct: 200 QQFHDHH-----HHHQEQQFHDHHQQQQQFHDHQQQQQQQQQQQFHDHHQQKQQFHDHHH 254 Query: 52 HDDVPFYHDH 23 H +HDH Sbjct: 255 HQQQQQFHDH 264
Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 8.6 Identities = 15/64 (23%), Positives = 25/64 (39%) Frame = -1 Query: 214 INDSHLCNDLTSHQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPF 35 I HL Q+ H+H++ + D+H + QQ + H + H Sbjct: 138 IPTGHLQQQQQQQQQQQFHNHHQQQQQFYDHHQQQQQQQQQQQQFHDH------HQQKQQ 191 Query: 34 YHDH 23 +HDH Sbjct: 192 FHDH 195
>sp|O35806|LTBP2_RAT Latent transforming growth factor-beta-binding protein 2 precursor (LTBP-2) Length = 1764 Score = 30.4 bits (67), Expect = 1.3 Identities = 14/42 (33%), Positives = 22/42 (52%) Frame = +1 Query: 76 DDCHKPGVTAGHCDDGCHDTKAKPHCDDGCHAPGVKSDHCKD 201 D+C +PGV +G C +T+ HC+ V+ HC+D Sbjct: 922 DECEQPGVCSG---GRCSNTEGSYHCECDQGYVMVRRGHCQD 960
>sp|O08999|LTBP2_MOUSE Latent transforming growth factor-beta-binding protein 2 precursor (LTBP-2) Length = 1813 Score = 30.4 bits (67), Expect = 1.3 Identities = 14/42 (33%), Positives = 22/42 (52%) Frame = +1 Query: 76 DDCHKPGVTAGHCDDGCHDTKAKPHCDDGCHAPGVKSDHCKD 201 D+C +PGV +G C +T+ HC+ V+ HC+D Sbjct: 923 DECEQPGVCSG---GRCSNTEGSYHCECDRGYIMVRKGHCQD 961
>sp|P04929|HRPX_PLALO Histidine-rich glycoprotein precursor Length = 351 Score = 30.4 bits (67), Expect = 1.3 Identities = 14/52 (26%), Positives = 22/52 (42%) Frame = -1 Query: 178 HQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDH 23 H HD HHH+ + D HH + + +H ++A H +H H Sbjct: 289 HHHHDAHHHHHH---HHDAHHHHHHHDAHHHHHHHHDAHHHHHHHHDAHHHH 337
Score = 30.0 bits (66), Expect = 1.7 Identities = 14/52 (26%), Positives = 24/52 (46%) Frame = -1 Query: 178 HQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDH 23 H+EH HHH + ++HH + + +H + L + H P +H H Sbjct: 130 HEEHHHHHHAAHHHHHEEHHHHHHAAHHHPWFHH--HHLGYHHHHAPHHHHH 179
Score = 29.3 bits (64), Expect = 3.0 Identities = 14/52 (26%), Positives = 22/52 (42%) Frame = -1 Query: 178 HQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDH 23 H HD HHH+ + D HH + + +H ++A H +H H Sbjct: 279 HHHHDAHHHHHH---HHDAHHHHHHHHDAHHHHHHHDAHHHHHHHHDAHHHH 327
Score = 28.9 bits (63), Expect = 3.9 Identities = 15/52 (28%), Positives = 22/52 (42%) Frame = -1 Query: 178 HQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDH 23 H HD HHH+ + D HH + +D H ++ H D +H H Sbjct: 299 HHHHDAHHHHH----HHDAHHHHHHH----HDAHHHH---HHHHDAHHHHHH 339
Score = 28.5 bits (62), Expect = 5.1 Identities = 14/52 (26%), Positives = 22/52 (42%) Frame = -1 Query: 178 HQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDH 23 H H HHH+ L + +HH A +H ++A H + +H H Sbjct: 104 HHHHPPHHHHH--LGHHHHHHHAAHHHHHEEHHHHHHAAHHHHHEEHHHHHH 153
Score = 28.5 bits (62), Expect = 5.1 Identities = 15/52 (28%), Positives = 22/52 (42%) Frame = -1 Query: 178 HQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDH 23 H HD HHH+ + D HH + +D H ++ H D +H H Sbjct: 249 HHHHDAHHHHHH---HHDAHHHHHHH----HDAHHHH---HHHHDAHHHHHH 290
Score = 28.5 bits (62), Expect = 5.1 Identities = 15/52 (28%), Positives = 22/52 (42%) Frame = -1 Query: 178 HQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDH 23 H HD HHH+ + D HH + +D H ++ H D +H H Sbjct: 269 HHHHDAHHHHHH---HHDAHHHHHHH----HDAHHHH---HHHHDAHHHHHH 310
>sp|P0C061|GRSA_ANEMI Gramicidin S synthetase 1 (Gramicidin S synthetase I) [Includes: ATP-dependent D-phenylalanine adenylase (D-PheA) (D-phenylalanine activase); Phenylalanine racemase [ATP-hydrolyzing] ] Length = 1098 Score = 30.0 bits (66), Expect = 1.7 Identities = 17/50 (34%), Positives = 28/50 (56%) Frame = -1 Query: 166 DIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDHGN 17 ++HH N++ +LYR N + + LLRV +N +V HD + + H N Sbjct: 640 NMHHWNQSYMLYRPNGF-DKEILLRV-----FNKIVEHHDALRMIYKHHN 683
>sp|P0C062|GRSA_BREBE Gramicidin S synthetase 1 (Gramicidin S synthetase I) [Includes: ATP-dependent D-phenylalanine adenylase (D-PheA) (D-phenylalanine activase); Phenylalanine racemase [ATP-hydrolyzing] ] Length = 1098 Score = 30.0 bits (66), Expect = 1.7 Identities = 17/50 (34%), Positives = 28/50 (56%) Frame = -1 Query: 166 DIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDHGN 17 ++HH N++ +LYR N + + LLRV +N +V HD + + H N Sbjct: 640 NMHHWNQSYMLYRPNGF-DKEILLRV-----FNKIVEHHDALRMIYKHHN 683
>sp|Q9XUC4|YGJK_CAEEL Hypothetical protein T28F3.3 in chromosome IV Length = 393 Score = 29.6 bits (65), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 12/29 (41%), Positives = 15/29 (51%) Frame = -1 Query: 190 DLTSHQEHDIHHHNEALLLYRDNHHRNAQ 104 +L H EHD HH+E L+ HR Q Sbjct: 46 ELHDHHEHDHDHHDEQLIRKNHTSHREIQ 74
>sp|Q8CRC8|RPIA_STAES Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A (Phosphoriboisomerase A) (PRI) sp|Q5HLQ9|RPIA_STAEQ Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A (Phosphoriboisomerase A) (PRI) Length = 230 Score = 29.3 bits (64), Expect = 3.0 Identities = 14/39 (35%), Positives = 25/39 (64%) Frame = -1 Query: 124 NHHRNAQQLLRVYDNHLYNALVFQHDDVPFYHDHGNVLL 8 N ++ A+++ R YD H+ + ++DVPF D+GN +L Sbjct: 144 NWYQVAKKIERTYDIHVSRRV---NEDVPFITDNGNYIL 179
Database: Non-redundant SwissProt sequences Posted date: Dec 6, 2005 7:40 AM Number of letters in database: 68,354,980 Number of sequences in database: 184,735 Database: swissprot.01 Posted date: Dec 6, 2005 8:18 AM Number of letters in database: 66,202,850 Number of sequences in database: 184,431 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 33,390,117 Number of Sequences: 369166 Number of extensions: 601122 Number of successful extensions: 1907 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 10 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 1681 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 1844 length of database: 68,354,980 effective HSP length: 79 effective length of database: 53,760,915 effective search space used: 1720349280 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)