Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schäffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Dr_sW_012_D02 (170 letters) Database: Non-redundant SwissProt sequences 184,735 sequences; 68,354,980 total letters Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value sp|P45889|ACTZ_DROME Actin-like protein 87C 99 2e-21 sp|P61164|ACTZ_MOUSE Alpha-centractin (Centractin) (Centros... 96 3e-20 sp|Q8R5C5|ACTY_MOUSE Beta-centractin (Actin-related protein... 93 2e-19 sp|P42025|ACTY_HUMAN Beta-centractin (Actin-related protein... 92 5e-19 sp|P42023|ACTZ_PNECA Actin-2 (Actin II) (Centractin-like pr... 77 2e-14 sp|P38673|ACTZ_NEUCR Actin-like protein (Centractin) 75 4e-14 sp|P13363|ACT_PHYME Actin 72 3e-13 sp|P22132|ACT2_PHYIN Actin-2 70 1e-12 sp|P17300|ACT7_ORYSA Actin-7 70 2e-12 sp|P53492|ACT7_ARATH Actin-7 (Actin-2) 70 2e-12
>sp|P45889|ACTZ_DROME Actin-like protein 87C Length = 376 Score = 99.4 bits (246), Expect = 2e-21 Identities = 45/56 (80%), Positives = 53/56 (94%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRILSD 170 LFRPDL+G EC+GIH+VL YSI+KSDMDLR++LY NIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDR+LS+ Sbjct: 262 LFRPDLLGEECEGIHDVLMYSIEKSDMDLRKMLYQNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRLLSE 317
>sp|P61164|ACTZ_MOUSE Alpha-centractin (Centractin) (Centrosome-associated actin homolog) (Actin-RPV) (ARP1) sp|P61163|ACTZ_HUMAN Alpha-centractin (Centractin) (Centrosome-associated actin homolog) (Actin-RPV) (ARP1) sp|P61162|ACTZ_CANFA Alpha-centractin (Centractin) (Centrosome-associated actin homolog) (Actin-RPV) (ARP1) Length = 376 Score = 95.9 bits (237), Expect = 3e-20 Identities = 45/56 (80%), Positives = 51/56 (91%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRILSD 170 LFRPDLIG E +GIHEVL ++IQKSDMDLRR L+ NIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDR+LS+ Sbjct: 262 LFRPDLIGEESEGIHEVLVFAIQKSDMDLRRTLFSNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRLLSE 317
>sp|Q8R5C5|ACTY_MOUSE Beta-centractin (Actin-related protein 1B) (ARP1B) Length = 376 Score = 92.8 bits (229), Expect = 2e-19 Identities = 42/56 (75%), Positives = 51/56 (91%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRILSD 170 LF+PDL+G E +G+HEVLA++I KSDMDLRR L+ NIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDR+LS+ Sbjct: 262 LFQPDLVGDESEGLHEVLAFAIHKSDMDLRRTLFSNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRLLSE 317
>sp|P42025|ACTY_HUMAN Beta-centractin (Actin-related protein 1B) (ARP1B) Length = 376 Score = 91.7 bits (226), Expect = 5e-19 Identities = 41/56 (73%), Positives = 51/56 (91%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRILSD 170 LF+PDL+G E +G+HEV+A++I KSDMDLRR L+ NIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDR+LS+ Sbjct: 262 LFQPDLVGDESEGLHEVVAFAIHKSDMDLRRTLFANIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRLLSE 317
>sp|P42023|ACTZ_PNECA Actin-2 (Actin II) (Centractin-like protein) Length = 385 Score = 76.6 bits (187), Expect = 2e-14 Identities = 35/56 (62%), Positives = 47/56 (83%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRILSD 170 LF P++IGSE GIH+V+ +I + D+DLR+ L+GNIVLSGGSTL +GFGDR+LS+ Sbjct: 272 LFDPEIIGSEYSGIHQVVVDAISRVDLDLRKSLFGNIVLSGGSTLTRGFGDRLLSE 327
>sp|P38673|ACTZ_NEUCR Actin-like protein (Centractin) Length = 380 Score = 75.5 bits (184), Expect = 4e-14 Identities = 34/56 (60%), Positives = 46/56 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRILSD 170 LF P++IG E G+H+++ SI ++D+DLRR LY NIVLSGGSTL KGFGDR+L++ Sbjct: 267 LFDPEIIGLEYPGVHQIVVDSINRTDLDLRRDLYSNIVLSGGSTLTKGFGDRLLTE 322
>sp|P13363|ACT_PHYME Actin Length = 375 Score = 72.4 bits (176), Expect = 3e-13 Identities = 31/56 (55%), Positives = 41/56 (73%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRILSD 170 LF+P +IG EC G+HE +I K D+D+RR LY N+VLSGGST+F G GDR+ + Sbjct: 261 LFKPSMIGRECTGVHECAFQTIMKCDVDIRRDLYNNVVLSGGSTMFPGIGDRMTKE 316
>sp|P22132|ACT2_PHYIN Actin-2 Length = 375 Score = 70.5 bits (171), Expect = 1e-12 Identities = 30/56 (53%), Positives = 40/56 (71%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRILSD 170 LF P +IG EC G+HE +I K D+D+RR LY N+VLSGGST+F G G+R+ + Sbjct: 261 LFNPSMIGRECSGVHECAFQTIMKCDVDIRRDLYSNVVLSGGSTMFPGIGERMTKE 316
>sp|P17300|ACT7_ORYSA Actin-7 Length = 376 Score = 70.1 bits (170), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 32/53 (60%), Positives = 39/53 (73%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRI 161 LF+P IG E GIHE SI K D+D+R+ LYGN+VLSGGST+F G GDR+ Sbjct: 262 LFQPSFIGMEAPGIHEATYNSIMKCDVDIRKDLYGNVVLSGGSTMFPGIGDRM 314
>sp|P53492|ACT7_ARATH Actin-7 (Actin-2) Length = 377 Score = 69.7 bits (169), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 33/53 (62%), Positives = 39/53 (73%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LFRPDLIGSECDGIHEVLAYSIQKSDMDLRRILYGNIVLSGGSTLFKGFGDRI 161 LF+P LIG E GIHE SI K D+D+R+ LYGNIVLSGGST+F G DR+ Sbjct: 263 LFQPSLIGMEAPGIHETTYNSIMKCDVDIRKDLYGNIVLSGGSTMFPGIADRM 315
Database: Non-redundant SwissProt sequences Posted date: Dec 6, 2005 7:40 AM Number of letters in database: 68,354,980 Number of sequences in database: 184,735 Database: swissprot.01 Posted date: Dec 6, 2005 8:18 AM Number of letters in database: 66,202,850 Number of sequences in database: 184,431 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 22,313,514 Number of Sequences: 369166 Number of extensions: 344384 Number of successful extensions: 1049 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 10 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 1044 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 1049 length of database: 68,354,980 effective HSP length: 29 effective length of database: 62,997,665 effective search space used: 1700936955 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)