Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schäffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Dr_sW_011_K23 (753 letters) Database: Non-redundant SwissProt sequences 184,735 sequences; 68,354,980 total letters Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value sp|Q9PJM5|RL24_CHLMU 50S ribosomal protein L24 34 0.37 sp|P28537|RL24_CHLTR 50S ribosomal protein L24 32 1.8 sp|O14207|YDT2_SCHPO Hypothetical protein C6B12.02c in chro... 32 2.4 sp|Q6B2C0|MTAL2_YEAST Mating-type protein ALPHA2 (MATalpha2... 31 4.1 sp|Q7NB79|MRAW_MYCGA S-adenosyl-methyltransferase mraW 31 4.1 sp|P48602|VATA1_DROME Vacuolar ATP synthase catalytic subun... 30 5.3 sp|P20646|PPAP_RAT Prostatic acid phosphatase precursor 30 5.3 sp|Q7TPH6|MYCB2_MOUSE Probable ubiquitin ligase protein MYC... 30 7.0 sp|O75592|MYCB2_HUMAN Probable ubiquitin ligase protein MYC... 30 7.0 sp|P46023|GR101_LYMST G-protein coupled receptor GRL101 pre... 30 9.1
>sp|Q9PJM5|RL24_CHLMU 50S ribosomal protein L24 Length = 111 Score = 34.3 bits (77), Expect = 0.37 Identities = 21/86 (24%), Positives = 45/86 (52%), Gaps = 2/86 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 13 LCLGNTIVNVAKNKPVIYGSIKDGIKETLANDGIID--KNCFMSKDIGEKTWEVNLLYSI 186 +C+G+T+ +A N G + +K+ + +GI KN S++ K +N+ + Sbjct: 6 VCVGDTVYVLAGNDKGKQGKVLRCLKDKVVVEGINVRVKNIKRSQE-NPKGKRINIEAPL 64 Query: 187 HVTELELYSDNDPSELRISITSQTKK 264 H++ + L DN P+ L + +T + ++ Sbjct: 65 HISNVRLSIDNQPARLFVKVTEKGRE 90
>sp|P28537|RL24_CHLTR 50S ribosomal protein L24 Length = 111 Score = 32.0 bits (71), Expect = 1.8 Identities = 20/86 (23%), Positives = 44/86 (51%), Gaps = 2/86 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 13 LCLGNTIVNVAKNKPVIYGSIKDGIKETLANDGIID--KNCFMSKDIGEKTWEVNLLYSI 186 +C+G+T+ +A N G + +K+ + +GI KN S++ K +N+ + Sbjct: 6 VCVGDTVYVLAGNDKGKQGKVLRCLKDKVVVEGINVRVKNIKRSQE-NPKGKRINIEAPL 64 Query: 187 HVTELELYSDNDPSELRISITSQTKK 264 H++ + L DN P+ L + + + ++ Sbjct: 65 HISNVRLSIDNQPARLFVKVREKGRE 90
>sp|O14207|YDT2_SCHPO Hypothetical protein C6B12.02c in chromosome I Length = 1888 Score = 31.6 bits (70), Expect = 2.4 Identities = 19/63 (30%), Positives = 31/63 (49%) Frame = -3 Query: 715 FSLEQFIFLTTNKLKSNNELIVNILPYFFKKKLISLSFLEDSKYIW*LESELK*GKVE*T 536 F+++ +F T KLK E ++ LPYF + + L L + L S++ G V Sbjct: 717 FNIQDDVFKTFEKLKDTFETVLENLPYFTNSETVDLYNLLSFCSAFILHSQVSMGLVNLA 776 Query: 535 NSF 527 +SF Sbjct: 777 SSF 779
>sp|Q6B2C0|MTAL2_YEAST Mating-type protein ALPHA2 (MATalpha2 protein) (Alpha-2 repressor) Length = 210 Score = 30.8 bits (68), Expect = 4.1 Identities = 21/56 (37%), Positives = 31/56 (55%), Gaps = 3/56 (5%) Frame = -2 Query: 245 IEIRNSLGSLSEYNSNSVTWIEYSKL---TSQVFSPISLLIKQFLSIIPSFANVSL 87 +E+R+ LG LS N N E KL TSQ+ + I++L+K+ SI +N L Sbjct: 49 VELRDILGFLSRANKNRKISDEEKKLLQTTSQLTTTITVLLKEMRSIENDRSNYQL 104
>sp|Q7NB79|MRAW_MYCGA S-adenosyl-methyltransferase mraW Length = 317 Score = 30.8 bits (68), Expect = 4.1 Identities = 26/89 (29%), Positives = 43/89 (48%), Gaps = 5/89 (5%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 LVELCLGNTIVNVAKNKPVIYGSIKDGIKETLANDGIIDKNCFMSKDIGEKTWEVNLLYS 183 L++ + +V + KN YG IKD + +A K F K++ T EV L Sbjct: 146 LIQNSTVSELVKIMKN----YGEIKDPYRVVVAL-----KKAFEKKELN--TLEVVELIK 194 Query: 184 IHVTELELYSDNDPSE-----LRISITSQ 255 HV + ELY++ P+ LRI++ ++ Sbjct: 195 KHVNKAELYANKHPARRYFQALRIAVNNE 223
>sp|P48602|VATA1_DROME Vacuolar ATP synthase catalytic subunit A isoform 1 (V-ATPase A subunit 1) (Vacuolar proton pump alpha subunit 1) (V-ATPase 69 kDa subunit 1) Length = 614 Score = 30.4 bits (67), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 22/83 (26%), Positives = 40/83 (48%), Gaps = 12/83 (14%) Frame = +1 Query: 55 PVIYGSIKDGIKETLANDGIIDKNCFMSKDIG------EKTWE---VNLLYSIHVTELEL 207 P I GSI DGI+ L + G++ + ++ K + + WE +N+ H+T +L Sbjct: 90 PGIMGSIFDGIQRPLRDIGVMTNSIYIPKGVNTTALSRSEMWEFNPLNVRVGSHITGGDL 149 Query: 208 YS---DNDPSELRISITSQTKKT 267 Y +N + R+ + + K T Sbjct: 150 YGVVHENTLVKQRMIVAPRAKGT 172
>sp|P20646|PPAP_RAT Prostatic acid phosphatase precursor Length = 381 Score = 30.4 bits (67), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 15/51 (29%), Positives = 28/51 (54%) Frame = +1 Query: 181 SIHVTELELYSDNDPSELRISITSQTKKTKFPVAAKSCANGCKIPIKKDAE 333 S H+ +ELY DN + + + ++T+ +P+ C + C P++K AE Sbjct: 311 SCHI--MELYQDNGGTFVEMYYRNETQNEPYPLTLPGCTHSC--PLEKFAE 357
>sp|Q7TPH6|MYCB2_MOUSE Probable ubiquitin ligase protein MYCBP2 (Myc binding protein 2) (Protein associated with Myc) (Pam/highwire/rpm-1 protein) Length = 4711 Score = 30.0 bits (66), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 24/89 (26%), Positives = 43/89 (48%), Gaps = 3/89 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 ILVELCLGN--TIVNV-AKNKPVIYGSIKDGIKETLANDGIIDKNCFMSKDIGEKTWEVN 171 + + +CL + +IV++ ++P + GS+ DG ET G DKN K +N Sbjct: 3766 LCIVMCLKDLTSIVDIKTSSRPAMIGSLTDGSTETFWESGDEDKN-------KTKNITIN 3818 Query: 172 LLYSIHVTELELYSDNDPSELRISITSQT 258 + I+ + ++ DN +L +TS T Sbjct: 3819 CVKGINARYVSVHVDNS-RDLGNKVTSMT 3846
>sp|O75592|MYCB2_HUMAN Probable ubiquitin ligase protein MYCBP2 (Myc binding protein 2) (Protein associated with Myc) (Pam/highwire/rpm-1 protein) Length = 4641 Score = 30.0 bits (66), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 24/89 (26%), Positives = 43/89 (48%), Gaps = 3/89 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 ILVELCLGN--TIVNV-AKNKPVIYGSIKDGIKETLANDGIIDKNCFMSKDIGEKTWEVN 171 + + +CL + +IV++ ++P + GS+ DG ET G DKN K +N Sbjct: 3696 LCIVMCLKDLTSIVDIKTSSRPAMIGSLTDGSTETFWESGDEDKN-------KTKNITIN 3748 Query: 172 LLYSIHVTELELYSDNDPSELRISITSQT 258 + I+ + ++ DN +L +TS T Sbjct: 3749 CVKGINARYVSVHVDNS-RDLGNKVTSMT 3776
>sp|P46023|GR101_LYMST G-protein coupled receptor GRL101 precursor Length = 1115 Score = 29.6 bits (65), Expect = 9.1 Identities = 16/45 (35%), Positives = 28/45 (62%) Frame = +1 Query: 28 TIVNVAKNKPVIYGSIKDGIKETLANDGIIDKNCFMSKDIGEKTW 162 T++N+++N+ SI +G LAN +ID + + KDIG+K + Sbjct: 682 TVLNISRNQ---INSIDNGAFNNLANVRLIDLSGNVIKDIGQKVF 723
Database: Non-redundant SwissProt sequences Posted date: Dec 6, 2005 7:40 AM Number of letters in database: 68,354,980 Number of sequences in database: 184,735 Database: swissprot.01 Posted date: Dec 6, 2005 8:18 AM Number of letters in database: 66,202,850 Number of sequences in database: 184,431 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 67,872,120 Number of Sequences: 369166 Number of extensions: 1155867 Number of successful extensions: 3114 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 10 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 3023 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 3111 length of database: 68,354,980 effective HSP length: 108 effective length of database: 48,403,600 effective search space used: 6873311200 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)