Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schäffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Dr_sW_010_G22 (578 letters) Database: Non-redundant SwissProt sequences 184,735 sequences; 68,354,980 total letters Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value sp|P54643|SP87_DICDI Spore coat protein SP87 precursor (PL3... 36 0.060 sp|Q83017|RPOA_LDVP Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyp... 33 0.67 sp|Q17551|RPM1_CAEEL Ubiquitin ligase protein rpm-1 (Pam/hi... 32 1.1 sp|Q9Y5W7|SNX14_HUMAN Sorting nexin-14 30 3.3 sp|Q9L4F0|UVSE_BACCR UV DNA damage endonuclease (UV-endonuc... 30 5.6 sp|P27020|VMAT_PI4HB Matrix protein 29 7.4 sp|O18400|PITX1_DROME Pituitary homeobox 1 homolog (D-PTX1) 29 7.4 sp|Q96G01|BICD1_HUMAN Cytoskeleton-like bicaudal D protein ... 29 7.4 sp|Q06502|RPOA_LDVC Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyp... 29 7.4 sp|O95838|GLP2R_HUMAN Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor prec... 29 9.6
>sp|P54643|SP87_DICDI Spore coat protein SP87 precursor (PL3 protein) Length = 677 Score = 36.2 bits (82), Expect = 0.060 Identities = 29/94 (30%), Positives = 35/94 (37%), Gaps = 3/94 (3%) Frame = +3 Query: 12 SGGH---CDDNQCVQNSACSCIRKSDGASIDLNPITAPVNFSDDQGNPWQYSPCSAMVCG 182 SGGH C D C C C DG + P + S GN +PCS + C Sbjct: 309 SGGHPDPCKDVTCPDGFHCEC---KDGKTAKCVPSPTTGSSSTSGGNT---NPCSNVNCP 362 Query: 183 QGKPATSSLCKLYNLYYMEMGAFSTAKFIPDGPT 284 G +Y E TAK +P GPT Sbjct: 363 DG-------------FYCECKDGKTAKCVPSGPT 383
>sp|Q83017|RPOA_LDVP Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Includes: Replicase polyprotein 1a (ORF1a)] [Contains: Nsp1-alpha papain-like cysteine proteinase (PCP1-alpha); Nsp1-beta papain-like cysteine proteinase (PCP1-beta); Nsp2 cysteine proteinase (CP2) (CP); Nonstructural protein 3 (Nsp3); 3C-like serine proteinase (3.4.21.-) (3CLSP) (Nsp4); Nonstructural protein 5-6-7 (Nsp5-6-7); Nonstructural protein 8 (Nsp8); RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRp) (Pol) (Nsp9); Helicase (Hel) (Nsp10); Nonstructural protein 11 (Nsp11); Nonstructural protein 12 (Nsp12)] Length = 3616 Score = 32.7 bits (73), Expect = 0.67 Identities = 23/74 (31%), Positives = 32/74 (43%), Gaps = 5/74 (6%) Frame = +3 Query: 6 FISGGHCDDNQCVQNSACSCIRKSDGASIDLNPI-----TAPVNFSDDQGNPWQYSPCSA 170 F+SGGH D C+ G + LN + ++PV+ +PW +P S Sbjct: 1283 FVSGGHVADFVCL------------GLYVMLNFLISAWLSSPVSCGRGTNDPWCKNPFSY 1330 Query: 171 MVCGQGKPATSSLC 212 V GQG S LC Sbjct: 1331 PVVGQGVMCNSHLC 1344
>sp|Q17551|RPM1_CAEEL Ubiquitin ligase protein rpm-1 (Pam/highwire/rpm-1 protein) (Regulator of presynaptic morphology protein 1) (Synapse defective protein 3) Length = 3766 Score = 32.0 bits (71), Expect = 1.1 Identities = 24/91 (26%), Positives = 42/91 (46%), Gaps = 11/91 (12%) Frame = +3 Query: 135 QGNPWQYSPCSAMVCGQGKPATSSLCKLYNLYYMEMGAFST-----AKFIPDGPTLNI-- 293 +G +SP + +C +G+P + L L G ST AK++P G ++ Sbjct: 1929 KGLSLSHSPTLSELCTKGQPPPAQSADLQFLREFLSGHTSTSAGFLAKWLPTGSVVDASK 1988 Query: 294 -QYTANRDSVFTS---TVKLVCNENIDAQVD 374 Q + + D + T+KL+C + D +VD Sbjct: 1989 CQLSLSHDDLIVGKAVTLKLLCKDQYDREVD 2019
>sp|Q9Y5W7|SNX14_HUMAN Sorting nexin-14 Length = 886 Score = 30.4 bits (67), Expect = 3.3 Identities = 15/51 (29%), Positives = 25/51 (49%) Frame = +3 Query: 405 YLDYLQLQSKYACFRTIKSTTEIPNKNSTCIPNYSFIKIITKTFKSFFMKL 557 YL++ L+SK F ++P+K NY F+K + F+ + KL Sbjct: 557 YLEFYVLESKLTEFHGAFPDAQLPSKRIIGPKNYEFLKSKREEFQEYLQKL 607
>sp|Q9L4F0|UVSE_BACCR UV DNA damage endonuclease (UV-endonuclease) (UVED) Length = 317 Score = 29.6 bits (65), Expect = 5.6 Identities = 10/40 (25%), Positives = 27/40 (67%) Frame = +1 Query: 376 LLERIPAIWDIWTISNCNPNMHVSEQ*KAQRKYQIRTRHV 495 L E +PAI++ W+ +N +P +H+S +++++++ ++ Sbjct: 224 LEELLPAIFETWSHTNISPKVHISSP-RSEKEFRAHAEYI 262
>sp|P27020|VMAT_PI4HB Matrix protein Length = 382 Score = 29.3 bits (64), Expect = 7.4 Identities = 16/49 (32%), Positives = 23/49 (46%) Frame = +3 Query: 252 STAKFIPDGPTLNIQYTANRDSVFTSTVKLVCNENIDAQVDFIREDPGN 398 S+ KF P LN + T R +K+ C+EN + I +DP N Sbjct: 184 SSQKFKVPRPILNFRSTRMRGIHLEIIMKITCSENSPIRKTLITDDPEN 232
>sp|O18400|PITX1_DROME Pituitary homeobox 1 homolog (D-PTX1) Length = 509 Score = 29.3 bits (64), Expect = 7.4 Identities = 17/42 (40%), Positives = 22/42 (52%), Gaps = 3/42 (7%) Frame = -2 Query: 289 FKVGPSGMNLAVLNA---PISM*YKLYNLHNEEVAGFPCPHT 173 F G SG+ +++ NA P SM L N N G PCP+T Sbjct: 397 FNTGASGVAVSMNNASMLPGSMGSSLSNTSNVGAVGAPCPYT 438
>sp|Q96G01|BICD1_HUMAN Cytoskeleton-like bicaudal D protein homolog 1 Length = 975 Score = 29.3 bits (64), Expect = 7.4 Identities = 19/60 (31%), Positives = 25/60 (41%) Frame = +3 Query: 102 PITAPVNFSDDQGNPWQYSPCSAMVCGQGKPATSSLCKLYNLYYMEMGAFSTAKFIPDGP 281 P T + S Q+SP +C Q +P TS L NL + ST F+ GP Sbjct: 842 PQTPNIRVSSGTQRKRQFSPS---LCDQSRPRTSGASYLQNLLRVPPDPTSTESFLLKGP 898
>sp|Q06502|RPOA_LDVC Replicase polyprotein 1ab (ORF1ab polyprotein) [Includes: Replicase polyprotein 1a (ORF1a)] [Contains: Nsp1-alpha papain-like cysteine proteinase (PCP1-alpha); Nsp1-beta papain-like cysteine proteinase (PCP1-beta); Nsp2 cysteine proteinase (CP2) (CP); Nonstructural protein 3 (Nsp3); 3C-like serine proteinase (3.4.21.-) (3CLSP) (Nsp4); Nonstructural protein 5-6-7 (Nsp5-6-7); Nonstructural protein 8 (Nsp8); RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRp) (Pol) (Nsp9); Helicase (Hel) (Nsp10); Nonstructural protein 11 (Nsp11); Nonstructural protein 12 (Nsp12)] Length = 3637 Score = 29.3 bits (64), Expect = 7.4 Identities = 22/74 (29%), Positives = 31/74 (41%), Gaps = 5/74 (6%) Frame = +3 Query: 6 FISGGHCDDNQCVQNSACSCIRKSDGASIDLNPI-----TAPVNFSDDQGNPWQYSPCSA 170 F+SGG D C+ G + LN + ++PV+ +PW +P S Sbjct: 1281 FVSGGQIADFVCL------------GLYVLLNFLLSAWLSSPVSCGRGTNDPWCRNPFSY 1328 Query: 171 MVCGQGKPATSSLC 212 V GQG S LC Sbjct: 1329 PVVGQGVMCNSHLC 1342
>sp|O95838|GLP2R_HUMAN Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor precursor (GLP-2 receptor) (GLP-2-R) (GLP-2R) Length = 553 Score = 28.9 bits (63), Expect = 9.6 Identities = 20/72 (27%), Positives = 31/72 (43%), Gaps = 14/72 (19%) Frame = +3 Query: 339 LVCNENIDAQVDFIREDPGNLG-----YLDYLQLQSKYACFR---------TIKSTTEIP 476 + CN D V + PGN+ YL + +S +R TI++ T+I Sbjct: 94 IFCNGTFDQYVCWPHSSPGNVSVPCPSYLPWWSEESSGRAYRHCLAQGTWQTIENATDIW 153 Query: 477 NKNSTCIPNYSF 512 +S C N+SF Sbjct: 154 QDDSECSENHSF 165
Database: Non-redundant SwissProt sequences Posted date: Dec 6, 2005 7:40 AM Number of letters in database: 68,354,980 Number of sequences in database: 184,735 Database: swissprot.01 Posted date: Dec 6, 2005 8:18 AM Number of letters in database: 66,202,850 Number of sequences in database: 184,431 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 75,279,832 Number of Sequences: 369166 Number of extensions: 1657950 Number of successful extensions: 3808 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 10 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 3672 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 3805 length of database: 68,354,980 effective HSP length: 105 effective length of database: 48,957,805 effective search space used: 4259329035 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)